Build Your Brand with Kate DiLeo
Narrator 00:02
Welcome to the Parker Web Partner Show, where we find creative solutions for creative agencies.
Darryl Parker 00:10
Well, welcome to another episode of the Parker Web Partners Show. I am here today with Kate DiLeo from Brand Trifecta in Minneapolis and Kate and I've been working together for almost two years now. And it's so great to see you here. Kate, how are things going in Minneapolis?
Kate DiLeo 00:25
It's going great. You know, I was actually just joking. We're finally in springtime here, which I feel like it took a long time to get spring here in 2024. But yeah, things are great. We're, we're gearing up for I think a fun summer.
Darryl Parker 00:39
Oh, that's awesome. Well, you and I are planning on getting together this summer and doing some work together?
Kate DiLeo 00:45
Yes, it's doing well. So I'm so excited. You're coming into town because we are hosting our first revenue acceleration event I'm putting on here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and you are coming in as a strategic partner to be boots on the ground. To be able to help my clients update their websites right there in a matter of this three day event. And I'm really excited to be able to have them experience the work that you and Parker Web do.
Darryl Parker 01:13
Well, thank you so much. So what's in it for the folks that are coming to this event? I mean, what are they? What's the goal of the event, I'm glad to be a part of it. And we we will do our part. But what's what's up for folks that are coming to the event?
Kate DiLeo 01:26
Yeah, so you know, I've been in this world of brand messaging and helping companies build brands that drive revenue for more than a decade. But one of the biggest things that I heard is people are really tired of Zoom fatigue. They're also tired of kind of the typical conference experience. And what they're looking for is an ability to come into the room, in person, get their messaging built, and also be able to get the support of sales assets and materials they need to turn around and start selling. And so that's actually why I built this event series, Darryl, was to create an event where I can pull in 10 companies at a time into the room in Minneapolis. And what we're going to do is help them build their Brand Trifecta message. In other words, the brand messaging that helps companies sell. And at the same time, I've got a team of designers on the floor, that are going to help create brand new, beautifully designed sales assets, including sales deck template, one pager, proposal, templates, social media templates, and then you, and the Parker Web team, will be present to help take that brand new message as well, and immediately put it onto people's homepage of their websites all in only three days.
Darryl Parker 02:43
So yeah, I mean, three days, how long does it does this process normally take? Like if you were just to go out and work with someone one on one and and you know, how much time would someone normally have to spend doing that?
Kate DiLeo 02:55
Normally, my process alone to build the messaging is a four to six week process over Zoom calls. Sometimes longer depending on how complex the messaging is that we need to build, to help that organization better reach and engage their audiences and compel those audiences to convert, right? Not to mention that on top of that, Darryl, they're going to have to take the time to then find a resource such as yourself or such as a designer, to then implement it across assets. And that can be another few weeks, if not longer. So we're taking companies and saying instead of doing this typical 90 day to 120 day process to improve your brand and your your sales materials, we can shrink that down into less than a week so that people are able to turn on a dime, and grow revenue, especially in this economic climate that we're in.
Darryl Parker 03:45
I mean, the workshop approach, you know, just being able to ideate and work with people who really know what they're doing. And you just everybody's at the table, right? And he's just like, let's just get it done. You know. And I think for today's kind of immediate gratification society, it appeals to me, like, that's how I would want to go through a branding process.
Kate DiLeo 04:05
You know, and it's funny that you say that too, because and while I love working one on one with clients, I also feel that you'll learn so much from other people at the table. So part of that cohort experience of being in a room with like minded business leaders is very, very important for people nowadays. Because I think that's how business gets done. Right? For most of us, it's who we know, it's building real relationships with others. And so, the other cool part about this is we've got peer to peer networking time, curated networking sessions behind closed doors, where people can really take the mask off, let the guard down, talk about what's going on in their businesses, talk about life, about family about all of the things that matter and build relationships that I think are going to help them grow, you know, personally and professionally.
Darryl Parker 04:51
So if I'm there as an attendee, you know, am I meeting with the same nine other people the whole time or are we doing small groups are how does that work?
Kate DiLeo 05:01
You're going to have a series of breakout small group sessions, but that also really fun large group networking's. For example, I've got a renowned speaker and tequila influencer, Jay Baer, who's coming into town to do a tequila tasting for us. I've got a fireside chat with some of the top business leaders in the Twin Cities that are coming in to teach us about, you know, how to scale our companies will also scaling our personal investments. Things of that nature that are fun, they're different. And they create an environment where we can learn together and also have fun together
Darryl Parker 05:35
Well and produce results. So it's not you know, sometimes when we do these learning events, it feels like, you're just taking it all in, but you're actually we're actually gonna get output here, we're gonna have some very concrete things that come out of it.
Kate DiLeo 05:47
Exactly. I teach at conferences all the time. And I think that there's almost that conference fatigue, you know. You sat through 30 sessions in a day and you're like, I don't even know how to go back home and do it, implemente any of this you know, that's, that's what I'm trying to create an environment where it's not just learning it's doing and you're, you're, you're actually getting outcomes in the real world.
Darryl Parker 06:05
So you've got three dates coming up this year, for 2024.
Kate DiLeo 06:11
That's right, we've got August 14 through 16th. We've got November 20th through 22nd. And then December 4th through 6th for those companies that need to sneak this in before the end of the year.
Darryl Parker 06:23
It hit the end of year goal, right. So you can you can help everybody achieve their 2024 branding goals.
Kate DiLeo 06:29
Darryl Parker 06:31
Well, listen, I really appreciate you taking the time to fill me in a little bit more about it and our audience about it. So I look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis in August.
Kate DiLeo 06:40
Darryl Parker 06:42
There'll be more information in the show notes, look for the link to the event where you can register for the event, and look for a link to Kate's website also. So until next time, I'm Darryl Parker, and we'll see you soon.
Narrator 06:59
You've been listening to the Parker Web Partner Show. If you need help in this ever changing digital world, reach out to us at 877-321-2251 or visit our website at